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In addition to offering shelter to at-risk youth, Rountree’s Happy Homes will provide additional wrap-around services to the residents in its care. These include vocational training, independent living preparation, resume-building guidance, parenting classes, and life skills education.

Investing In
A Child's Future

Rountree's Happy Homes provides stability for at risk kids by providing   room and board 

Room and Board

Doing Homework

Rountree's Happy Homes provides one on one counselling / mentoring on an as well as on a as needed basis



Rountree's Happy Homes provides life skills to individuals that will help them to  being able to take care of self 

Life Skills


Our Services

Rountree's Happy Homes provides on the job training and assistance in finding employment  

Vocational Training

Painting Pottery

Rountree's Happy Homes provides help in preparing for the work force by helping with resumes

Resume Building

Business Colleagues

Rountree's Happy Homes provides help with assignments in order for the child can become successful student

Tutoring / College Prep

Home schooling
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